A.Y. Not Dead
It's a clothing brand in Argentina and rage all girls, all want the latest clothes collections should.
In 2003 they launched the first collection "le freak c'est chic was all the rage.
And this brand is in many countries like:
Argentina, Brazil. Uruguay, Denmark, USA, UK and Chile.
Last week I took a plane to Argentina to see the new collections should mark the parade was great, I loved it.
Here I give you some pictures of the new Colection.

It's a clothing brand in Argentina and rage all girls, all want the latest clothes collections should.
In 2003 they launched the first collection "le freak c'est chic was all the rage.
And this brand is in many countries like:
Argentina, Brazil. Uruguay, Denmark, USA, UK and Chile.
Last week I took a plane to Argentina to see the new collections should mark the parade was great, I loved it.
Here I give you some pictures of the new Colection.

I love this blog it's fantastic i love this new collection.
muy buenas las prendas de ropa me imagino q el defile estubo buenisimo no me canso d decirte que te admiro mucho a vos y a tu blog de tu fan n1
amom muito este blog esta buenisimooo me encanta lo miro todos los dias esta de 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
muchos saluditos te sigo entu twitter
amo este blog e sel mejor de todos lo miro siempre esta buenisimo me encanta
mire todas las entrasdas amo este blgog
es el mejor de todos y mucho mejor q el de esa TVI
Estuvo buenisimno el desfilee yo fuuii pero estaba re lejos q suerte q fuiste saludos desde salta
these outfits are pretty divine love this blog I'm your number 1 fan
greetings from miami
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